How much time and money is being wasted in keeping up with validating the calibration of every single tape measure, square and level used by employees? Why not eliminate the hassle all together?

What are your quality procedures in ensuring calibration of tools? Do you have an audit coming up and need to refine your methods?

The Calibration Station is the answer!

The Calibration Station allows employees to check the calibration of their tape measures, levels and squares, all at their own convenience. Easy to mount and easy to use. All the quality control department needs to do is calibrate the station once a year.

Even better, multiple Calibration Stations can be installed in high-traffic areas to make it impossible for employees to miss.

Whether your company is ISO or not, the Calibration Station is easy to show auditors and demonstrate you have quality procedures in place. 

No more chasing down tools or employees. No more penalties from audits. 

See for yourself.


Verify Calibrated Squares

Calibrate tape measures, squares and levels.
Calibrate tape measures, squares and levels.

Verify Calibrated Levels

Calibrate tape measures, squares and levels.

Photo of calibrating a level horizontally.

Photo of calibrating 45 degree level

Verify Calibrated Tape Measures

Calibrate tape measures, squares and levels.

Photo of calibrating tape measure by pulling.

Push and Pull method for verifying calibrated tape measure at 6 inch and 10 cm

That is it! Verify calibration of tape measures, squares and levels in one easy to use tool with the Calibration Station. It’s easy to mount and easy to use.

We also sell calibrated tape measures, squares and levels traceable to NIST.

Quality control made easy!